What We Do

WeARGames is a small team making Unfiction (ARGs and RRGs) and TTRPGs. We've been at it since 2018, and we're getting better all the time.

Alternate Reality Games (ARGs)

For our ARGs, we like to tackle all kinds of different topics and genres, and we have several ongoing universes we like to tell stories in, including:

• The Immaterialized Thought Bureau
• Absgalan
• Sub-Liminal Spaces (including LIMBO)
• Tungsten / Under The Torchlight

We're working on adapting some of these into TTRPGs, as well.

Tabletop Role-Playing Games (TTRPGs)

Our ARG TTRPGs are mostly original systems designed by us, though we do like working from System Reference Documents (SRDs), as well, including PUSH from Cezar Capacle and Charge from Fari RPGs.Our only publicly-available TTRPG at this time is an adaptation of Absgalan, called How Do You Serve The King?, made with PUSH. It was made for Cesar's PUSH Jam in 2022. An expanded version of it with more character traits, mission matrix options, and lots of worldbuilding is in the works, and we hope to release it by the end of 2024.We have also been working on several original systems, which are in various states of completion and have no set ETA for release.The one we've been working on longest is our hard sci-fi / cosmic horror game, To War!, which was originally run as an off-the-cuff diceless, GMed RPG. Most of the development has revolved around building a robust combat system, as co-founder Torri did an excellent job of setting up worldbuilding in the original run. We ran an early playtest of To War! for Gehenna Gaming's Virtual Horror Con in 2021. Despite not having finished the original concept yet, we've also been working on a spinoff of it— Angel of Depth, which revolves around a specific distant planet colonized by humans who were cut off from contact with Earth long ago. Working on AoD has surprisingly helped a lot in developing the To War! system's mechanics.We've also been developing a TTRPG adaptation of ITB, which we ran a playtest version of as an (ill-fated) RRG in 2023. The bulk of development on the ITB TTRPG has revolved around the psychic Aptitudes (and their related Sub-Aptitudes), and the abilities each has.The last of our primary TTRPG efforts has been on a (mostly secret 🤫) adaptation of co-founder Zeke's first ever ARG, which ze ran from 2011 to 2012. This game utilizes the combat grid system we developed for use in To War!. This game's development has mostly focused around its unique Class system, and the implementation of tactical turn-based combat.

Who We Are

WeARGames was founded by two people— Torri (she/her and ae/aer) and Zeke (ze/zem). They are the primary creative leads of the team, occasionally supplemented by Raven (xie/hir), OptiPri, and DraconicArcher (he/him). They are assisted by a Discord mod team including Becca (she/her), Cloud (she/they), and Evan (he/they), who are sometimes helped by a few others. We also get help(?) from our Mysterious Benefactors.

We hope you'll give us a follow and stick around to see what we're working on next.Most of all, remember:

We AR Games, and games are fun.

Our Games

WeARGames primarily makes three types of games: Alternate Reality Games (ARGs), Tabletop Role-Playing Games (TTRPGs), and Reality Role-Playing Games (RRGs). We'll discuss the basics of each of these below, accompanied by lists of our past and upcoming games.We're working on creating in-depth explanations of the story, world-building, characters, etc. for each of our games, but some may be unavailable at this time. Please be patient while we work on things!

Alternate Reality Games (ARGs)

Alternate Reality Games are fictional stories, usually (but not always) horror and/or mystery, told through common means of communication such as social media, forums, and video, and presented as though the events are real. They have a long history, existing since the early days of the internet. There are even some things (such as the original Sherlock Holmes books) which predate the internet and fit the criteria of an ARG.Generally an ARG follows a limited set of characters who are experiencing a major difficulty— this can range from investigating a kidnapping to being stalked by an otherworldly creature. The story is told from the characters' perspective, using the author's chosen media and platforms, and frequently include interactive elements. These can include such things as puzzles to solve, codes to decipher, geocaches and dead drops in real-life locations, phone calls, emails, and many more. Frequently these interactive elements are used to gate off story progression, so that the audience must engage directly with the narrative if they want to see what happens next.If you would like to learn more, we heartily recommend the book This Is Not A Game by Dave Szulborski. It covers early ARG history from both a player and creator point of view, and is incredibly well-written.

Now that you know what an ARG is, here are some of the ones we've made and run, ourselves. They cover a wide range of genres, and include a broad spectrum of media and interactivity.

The Immaterialized Thought Bureau

The Immaterialized Thought Bureau is an ongoing universe that we anticipate telling many stories in. The original run took place mostly on Discord, and included some posts on Twitter and Youtube. It was the first ARG that the WeARGames co-founders ran together, back in 2018, and led directly to the formation of WARG itself.ITB centers around the titular fictional secret (USA) government agency, which exists to harness and capitalize on a form of energy known as "Immaterialized Thought." This energy exists ambiently everywhere in the universe, in different quantities, but is primarily generated by the creativity and imagination of a distinct group of psychics.These psychics, known as "IT Users," are divided up into eight categories, called Aptitudes, which define the ways in which each of them are able to utilize IT. Only seven of the Aptitudes are commonly known among ITB Operatives. They are: Destroyers, Stabilizers, Repairers, Creators, Dampeners, Seekers, and Delvers. The final Aptitude, Devourers, are highly unstable and dangerous, and are usually immediately eliminated upon discovery.

Under The Torchlight (Tungsten)

Tungsten was the second major ARG endeavor the WARG team undertook together. It primarily took place on Discord, but had a whole network of websites associated with it. The initial rabbithole was the Tungsten City Council website, and the accompanying LaFontaine Industries website.The basis of the story is a world post-post-apocalypse. Canonically, a global nuclear war took place in 2094, which destroyed most of civilization, and made most of the world uninhabitable. The story of Tungsten takes place in 3018, at which point society has mostly recovered, albeit with a massively decreased population and swathes of wasteland between walled city-states.Tungsten was so named because it takes place in one of those walled city-states, which shares its name. The few cities that have managed to establish themselves have mostly popped up around an exploitable natural resource which can be traded with the primary exports of other city-states. Canonically, other cities such as Cobalt, Iron, and Coal have been mentioned.The story revolved around the corruption of the mafia-owned city government, a radiation-obsessed cult who worshipped a pre-war nuclear company called Torchlight, and a serial killer trying to incite resentment against government inaction.With several future projects planned for this universe, we've given it the umbrella name Under The Torchlight. Upcoming stories being actively worked on are Cobalt (which was previously teased, but scope creep has put it on the backburner for now), and a presently unannounced story set in an entirely new city. Stay tuned for developments!


Absgalan technically exists within the ITB universe, but it was its own thing when we first created it. The story took place mostly on Discord, but also highly involved a website we created for it. It was our third major ARG, coming directly after Tungsten.The story followed two members of a niche religion (which might be described as a cult, though it is generally benign and does not follow the BITE model). Their religion is called Absgalar, and centers around their god, Absgal, who is also known as The King. Absgalarans speak their own language, called Absgalarik, for which we made an extensive conlang. You can find several Absgalarik phrasebooks on the website. They also have their own calendar, where the months map roughly to the seasons of the western Zodiac, though they have different names and associations.The central characters, known by their Absgalaran names Sorrek and Barul, are young adult members of the church, who are making an effort to modernize their archaic religion by making a website and inviting folks online to learn what Absgalar is all about. They took advantage of the arrival of a special event in the religious cycle to get people involved.The primary focus was around a game called Absgalan, in which a small portion of a deck of magical cards are distributed to Absgalaran religious centers around the world. The deck consists of three types of cards: Echoes (people and animals), Alters (verbs), and Wonders (magical items). Each round of the game, three Echoes and three Alters are drawn, and players must choose to pair them. The choices they make fundamentally alter history, sometimes in very unexpected ways.

Divine Intervention

Divine Intervention is a universe spearheaded by co-founder Torri. The first game we ran in this universe was called Helldyve. It featured transmissions from an entity known as the Dyver, as they descended through layers of hell and traversed the multiverse. It was primarily run over Discord, but also heavily featured a website on which we hosted many complex puzzles, which teams of players competed to be the first to solve. Sadly, that website is lost.There was a second chapter to the story, called New Order (details forthcoming), and Torri is currently running a third chapter, called GROTTO. Please visit us on Discord to get involved!

Sub-Liminal Spaces

• Meta
• Limbo

Jones Hollow


Tabletop Role-Playing Games (TTRPGs)


Absgalan: How Do You Serve The King?



• To War!
• Angel of Depth
• ???? (Secret)

Reality Role-Playing Games (RRGs)


ITB Zero (ITB0)





• Angel of Depth
• Chroma

Other Games




Contact Us

To get involved with WARG and keep up with the latest news, these are the place on the internet that you can find us:





[email protected]